Price Guarantee

What if I find a lower price offered by your competitors after buying from us?
In rare instances where you find a lower price at our competitors after you have purchased the item from Trend Supply Singapore Pte Ltd, you will be refunded the price difference 7 days after your purchase (subjected to T&Cs).
Must the product be exactly the same?
Yes, we will price match or refund the price difference on a “like-for-like" basis for the same product brand origin and model including prevailing tax (GST) and manufacturer's warranty, through the same payment method as well as mode of delivery.
Who are considered your competitors?
Direct competitors with company registration in Singapore.
What supporting documents do I need?
Please provide a picture of the competitor’s quote/price tag, advertisement or catalogue to facilitate the price match. This price must be dated before the purchase date with us to be eligible.
If you require more information regarding our Price Guarantee, Whatsapp or Call +65 8218 5754